Sun-dried tomatoes, Taggiasche olives, capers, anchovies and aubergines, are only a few of the ingredients that embody all Mediterranean scents and flavours we use to prepare our specialties. You can spread the paste on warm bread
as bruschetta or they are a delicious accompaniment to grilled meat, a fish dish or also a fantastic way to season pasta or risotto.
Our Spreads:
Our products:
Salsa saracena: ancient recipe of sun-dried tomatoes and aromatic herbs
Bruschetta con olive taggiasche: roughly chopped sundried tomatoes and Taggiasca olives
Crema di melanzane: delicate aubergine caviar in extra virgin olive oil
Crema di basilico Genovese DOP: aromatic and flavourful kitchen "helper"
Black olives spread: an aromatic and balanced cream of ligurian taggiasca olives
Green olives spread: an aromatic and balanced cream of olives
Acciugoliva: typical cream of black olives and anchovies preserved in oil
Capperoliva: caper tapenade, mixed with green olives